Every bride dreams of a fairytale wedding, so it was not just beautiful and perfect. Bride months chosen venue for the ceremony, making lists of guests and send out invitations, agree on the menu, go to try on a wedding dress.
The modern world has no boundaries and limitations, so it is difficult to hundreds of details to make your own unique wedding. The ceremony in a medieval castle in France, in a cozy villa in Tuscany and in luxury apartments in Nice is great if you are on the completion of her married Israel. Orthodox rituals in holy places give the grace of pure unanimity for joint life, birth and parenting.
Wedding in Israel
The Sacrament of the wedding in Israel is carried out according to general rules, taking into account several features dictated by Russian citizenship newlyweds. First you need to register the marriage in the registry office. The mere desire of lovers or formal ceremony fielding somewhere on the Cote d'Azur for a wedding in the church is not enough. Neither of the spouses should not be in the official marriage with another person, or be betrothed. Newlyweds should be baptized in the Orthodox Church. Otherwise, it is necessary to execute documents on the baptism of Israel and the subsequent wedding.
For a wedding in Israel, you must obtain permission of the Jerusalem Patriarchate. Couples with a large difference in age, people in respectable years may need special permission bishop. The couple, who were in the Orthodox Church consecrated marriage, must obtain permission from the bishop to the dissolution of the previous marriage and the conclusion of a new (Orthodox Church forbids to marry more than three times).
There are days when the mystery of the wedding is not done - that's the eve of the great feast, in the days of the big Orthodox holidays, during Lent, Christmas time, Cheese Week and Easter week.
needed for the ceremony:
- icons of the Saviour and the Kazan Mother of God;
- wedding-towel;
- wedding candles;
- silver and gold pectoral cross, chains.
Baptism in Israel
According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, baptism - it is a spiritual birth. The baby, whose three times immersed in water with an appeal to God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, dying for sinful, fleshly life and reborn by the Holy Spirit, the holy, spiritual life. The specific age of the sacraments is not provided. As a rule, children are baptized with the 8th to 40th day of life. even in old age is allowed for adults sacrament during pregnancy.
To perform the ordinances necessary to obtain permission of the Jerusalem Patriarchate. In contrast to the wedding, the baptism in Israel is allowed any day of the week, during Orthodox feasts and fasts.
At the baptism of infants and young children must be present one or more of the Cross. For girls baptism, it is desirable that one of the godparents was a woman, boys - man. There is a list of persons who are not allowed as godparents: his father and mother, the wife can not baptize one and the same child, the unbelievers, the unbaptized (the full list you introduce a priest).
needed for the ceremony:
- baptismal shirt;
- towel for the baby;
- silver and gold pectoral cross, chains.
In Israel Platinum Vip Travel
To organize a wedding and a christening in Israel simply. Just call us or send a request. Platinum Vip Travel staff will help you choose the Orthodox church, which will pass the sacrament. Draw up the documents required for travel, wedding and baptism in Israel. You can use our travel program, to keep in your heart the best memories of the Holy Places - spend their honeymoon on the VIP-resorts of the Dead Sea, to go to the excursion, pilgrimage, and gastronomic tours.
Still have questions? Call us to learn more about the wedding and baptism in Israel.
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